captcha laravel 8


To implement CAPTCHA in a Laravel 8 application, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up a new Laravel project (if you haven't already):

If you don't have a Laravel 8 project yet, you can create one using Composer:


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel captcha-app

cd captcha-app


Step 2: Install the Laravel Captcha package:

There are several packages available for implementing CAPTCHA in Laravel. For this example, let's use the "mews/captcha" package, which is simple and easy to set up.

Install the package via Composer:


composer require mews/captcha


Step 3: Configure the Captcha package:

Open the `config/app.php` file and add the Captcha service provider to the providers array:


'providers' => [

// ...




Next, add the Captcha facade to the aliases array in the same `config/app.php` file:


'aliases' => [

// ...

'Captcha' => Mews\Captcha\Facades\Captcha::class,



Step 4: Publish the package configuration:

Run the following Artisan command to publish the Captcha configuration file:


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mews\Captcha\CaptchaServiceProvider"


Step 5: Create the CAPTCHA view:

Next, create a new view file (e.g., `captcha.blade.php`) in the `resources/views` directory to display the CAPTCHA:


Laravel Captcha Example

Laravel Captcha Example


{!! Captcha::img() !!}


Step 6: Create the CAPTCHA verification route and controller method:

Open `routes/web.php` and add the following route:


use Illuminate\Http\Request;

Route::get('/captcha', function () {

return view('captcha');


Route::post('/verify-captcha', function (Request $request) {


'captcha' => 'required|captcha'


// If the validation passes, the CAPTCHA is correct.

// Place your desired logic here, such as saving data to the database or performing other actions.

return "CAPTCHA verification successful!";



Step 7: Generate the necessary CAPTCHA assets:

Run the following Artisan command to generate the CAPTCHA assets:


php artisan captcha:assets


Step 8: Run the application:

Finally, start the development server and access the application through your browser:


php artisan serve


Visit `http://localhost:8000/captcha`, and you should see the CAPTCHA form. Upon successful verification, the "CAPTCHA verification successful!" message will be displayed.

That's it! You've implemented CAPTCHA in your Laravel 8 application using the "mews/captcha" package.